Coach.Me Hedonic Reset Examples – Hedonic Reset
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Coach.Me Hedonic Reset Examples

29 Nov Coach.Me Hedonic Reset Examples

The coach Tony Stubblebine of Coach.Me setup a Hedonic Reset challenge for his followers and asked them to pick something substantial for their reset and to observe the reactions when the restriction is lifted.

You can check out the whole post here! Here is a selection of some of the excellent examples they came up with to try:


“I’m going with no cell phone in the house. That’ll knock out a lot of app checking and tiny addictions.” – wrote the coach himself Tony Stubblebine

“I will take a week off alcohol and sugar.”  – said Ane Timenes Laugen

“I’m going sugar free for a week starting Monday. This might kill me. No ice cream, sodas, or candy bars.” – Anna Gheen, –  “You can do this! I have the same goal.” – added Jim P.

“No hot water. I’m going to take cold showers, no hot coffee or hot tea or hot soup.” – Edward Botchwey

“I’m going cold turkey on news about politics. No MSNBC, no radio news, no reading news on my iphone. For me this is substantial and takes a lot of effort.” – Dorothy Stainbrook

“No TV (well, Netflix / Amazon, but same thing really) except for background in the kitchen if processing the harvest. Start time: 4pm today (Sunday).” – Lianna Miller

“I’m torn between going with no TV (including amazon), or something that I know will be really challenging – no audio (sirius or iPhone or radio) in the car. That seems like a tough one since I will be driving a lot this week, and maybe a little too much. I also use that time to catch up on audio books and developmental podcasts (like Tim Ferris) so I’m not sure if that is a bit too much.” – Jason Moore

“No gym this week. This is a lot for me. I go three times a week and for me it is one of my key activities. Just thinking about that is terrifying for me and I am not exaggerating.” – Ruben Munoz Aguilera

“I am going to do no whole foods for breakfast and lunch. We have dinner as a family so I want to be able to have dinner with the kids. For the evening, since I’m not doing the meal replacement for dinner, I will power off my phone when I come home with the kids after school.” – Anna Archer

“No alcohol, no sugar, no TV/Streaming media.” – Jeremy White.

Hope that gives you some inspiration dear Hedonic Resetters!

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